Principal’s Profile

Dr. Cheung Wai Sing, the Principal, was graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration.  He later obtained a degree of Master of Arts (Sociology), a degree of Master of Education and a Doctoral Degree of Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Dr. Cheung has a wealth of expertise and experience in curriculum leadership and educational administration, and has been invited by different organizations and institutions to share his profound insights on learning and teaching and school management.


Message from the Principal


With passion, love and care, we empower students to soar beyond boundaries and nourish them into benevolent individuals who give back to society.







Sharing on School Administration and Learning and Teaching



Academic Publications

Refereed Journal Article

Cheung, W. S., & Wong, J. L. N. (2017). “Understanding reflection for teacher change in Hong Kong.” International Journal of Educational Management31(7), 1135-1146.


Conference Papers and Presentation

Cheung, W. S. (2021). “A study of power and role conflicts of secondary school middle leaders under school-based management in Hong Kong.” Presentation at the HKERA-APERA International Conference 2021, Hong Kong, 9-11 December 2021.


Cheung, W. S. (2017). “Autonomy or control? A Foucauldian analysis of school middle leaders in an era of 'decentralization' in Hong Kong schools.” Presentation at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Comparative Education Society of Hong Kong (CESHK), Hong Kong, 24-25 March 2017.